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2021 Leadership Teams

01.07.21 | News

    St. Paul's Leadership Teams oversee many aspects of our church from property and staff to implementing ministry and more. Our current Leadership Team members are listed below. You can also read more about what these teams do.



    Carol Cook

    Church Council Chairperson

    Pam Tribbie

    Church Treasurer

    Sharon Zimmerman

    Financial Secretary

    Deb Byrnes

    Lay Member to Annual Conference

    Don Morgan

    Lay Member to Annual Conference

    Felix Koutsourais

    Lay Leader

    Maggie Corrigan

    Recording Secretary

    Ka'ren Naja

    Membership Secretary

    Bev Koutsourais

    Camps & Retreats

    Diane Cole

    Son Kissed Preschool Rep.

    Rachael Duncan

    Children's Ministry Rep

    Alisha Johnson

    Student Ministry Rep

    Rene Townes

    Handicapable Ministry Rep.

    Pam Dubov

    Interpreter of Giving

    Grant Corrigan

    Carpenter's Shop

    Cathy Saenz

    Missions and Outreach

    Kristina Whited

    Member at Large

    Mike Constantinou

    Member At Large


    Brad Finkbiner

    SPRT Leader

    Russ Munyan

    Lori Bailey

    Lynne Dilella

    Garrett Digman

    Brad Finkbiner

    Dale Young

    Kinga Low

    Jeff Undestad

    Caroline Zimmerman


    Terry Garvin

    Finance Team Leader

    Linda Benoit

    Noel White

    George Handura

    Dawn Green

    Mike Schneipp

    Pastor Bob Martin

    Pastor attending Finance

    Pastor Pam Dubov

    Executive Pastor attending Finance

    Carol Cook

    Council Chair attending Finance

    Brad Finkbiner

    SPRT Rep. attending Finance


    Trustees Rep. attending Finance

    Felix Koutsourais

    Lay Leader attending Finance



    Trustees Team Leader 2021

    Peggy Tucker

    Carlton Ward

    Mark Edmunds

    Ed Cook

    Jesse Rodriguez

    Pam Dubov

    Bobby Van Duyne

    Kara Smith

    Joe Tuminello

    Felix Koutsourais

    Lay Leader attending Trustees



    Pastor Bob Martin

    Nominations Leader

    Devon Klenk

    Kathy Seitz

    Gary Zimmerman

    Kevin Price

    Duke Low

    Joel Johnson

    Horton Townes

    Laurel Fortuna

    Felix Koutsourais

    Find out more about what our St. Paul teams do.  


    The Board of Trustees oversees the property and facilities of the congregation. This includes the routine maintenance of building and grounds, including making it a safe and barrier free environment. Trustees also have authority for equipment or building modification that does not exceed 10 percent of the total value or property. 

    Trustees also have the legal obligation to see that the congregation operates within local codes and state laws governing such entities as churches. They are required to see to the insurance requirements of the congregation in the areas of fire, theft, public liability, and fidelity among others. The Trustees are authorized to receive gifts, subject to the direction of the church conference. It also consults the Church Council Team on legal matters, insurance and anything otherwise related to the physical property of the church and is required to submit an annual report to the Church Conference. It is also responsible for a yearly church accessibility audit. (See Book of Discipline p258.3, 2524-2549)


    Finance TEAM

    This team is responsible for raising the funds to support the congregation’s needs, both routine and special, usually through financial campaigns. It is also responsible for developing the annual budget of the church, which is ultimately approved by the annual Church Conference.  Income is recorded by the Financial Secretary, while disbursements are made and recorded by the Treasurer. Periodic reports are prepared by the Treasurer and submitted to the Church Council for review and for approval. The team sees to the counting of receipts and to the auditing of financial records and serves as a consultant to the Church Council on matters of finance for the church.

    The Finance Team shall be charged with responsibility for developing and implementing plans that will raise sufficient income to meet the budget adopted by the Church Council.  It shall administer the funds received according to the instructions of the Church Council.  (See Book of Discipline p258.4)


    Staff Parish Relations

    The Staff Parish Relations Team (SPRT) has the responsibilities of maintaining, for the congregation, amiable working relationships with pastors and other staff, evaluating their performance, counseling them, and making recommendations for changes in staff or improvements to the staff by education or training. It recommends the salaries and other support, such as housing and benefits for pastors and staff. Of special note, the Staff Parish Relations Team must carefully screen prospective employees, including background checks. 

    The Staff Parish Relations Team also serves as an advisory capacity for the Bishop on matters of pastoral leadership for the local church. 

    SPRT evaluates and recommends those candidates for ordained ministry or local lay pastors arising from within the congregation. The Church Council takes the recommendations from this team, decides on them, and reports them to the church conference. 

    The Staff Parish Relations Team shall meet at least quarterly.


    Lay Leader

    The Lay Leader shall foster awareness of the role of the laity both within the congregation and through their ministries in the home, workplace, community, and world, and finding ways within the community of faith to recognize these ministries. 

    The Lay Leader shall meet regularly with the pastor to discuss the state of the church and the needs of the ministry.  Along with the pastor, the Lay Leader shall be an interpreter of the actions and programs of the annual conference.  Duties also entail: 

    • Assisting in advising the church council of opportunities available and the needs expressed for a more effective ministry of the church through its laity in the community
    • Informing the laity of training opportunities provided by the annual conference.  Where possible the Lay Leader should attend training opportunities in order to strengthen his or her work.  (see paragraph 251, Book of Discipline)


    Church Council

    Provides for the planning and implementation of programs regarding nurture, outreach, witness, and resources for the local church.  It shall also provide for the administration of its organization and temporal life.  It shall envision, plan, implement, and annually evaluate the mission and ministry of the local church. In addition to the oversight of all ministries within the church, the Church Council shall also do the following: 

    • Review the membership of the local church
    • Fill interim vacancies occurring among lay officers of the church between sessions of the annual church conference.
    • Establish the budget on recommendation of the Finance Committee and ensure adequate provision for the financial needs of the church.
    • Recommend to the church conference the salary and other remuneration of the pastor(s) and staff members after receiving recommendations from the committee on staff parish relations. 

    The Church Council shall meet at least quarterly.  Other duties are listed in paragraph 252 in the Book of Discipline.