"Truly I tell you, in so far as you did it for one of the least of these My brethren, you did it for Me." Matthew 25:40
Open Arms Ministry is an outreach of St. Paul UMC. We have partnered with several organizations in the community to provide food to thousands in the community by supplying multiple foodbanks and ministries throughout Pinellas County.
We also distribute food, clothes and some personal care items to those in need directly from our Open Arms Resource Center. Those who are in need are invited to take what they need at no charge. The food is available for free through St. Paul family and our partners in the community. It is a gift of love.
The Open Arms Resource Center is located on our St. Paul UMC Clearwater Campus - 2039 Druid Rd in Clearwater.
Open Arms has food available on Monday-Wednesday from 1-3 PM. Each household can receive food from Open Arms two times a month.
New Open Arms Ministry clients should bring the following:
- Photo I.D.
- Social security card for yourself and all members of household
- Utility bill or lease with correct address
- Proof of income
We also have USDA food distribution during our normal hours on the third Wednesday of each month. Each household can receive USDA food once a month, regardless of whether you've received other food during the week.
There is NO I.D. required to receive USDA food.
What about financial assistance?
We do not currently have financial assistance available.
How can I help?
Our community partners supply most of our food needs, but we welcome food donations of all kinds. Items in high demand are dry goods, canned goods, and bread. We are also in need of non-food donations of diapers, baby food, and other baby items, as well as toilet paper, full size toiletries and other personal care items. You can drop items off at Open Arms or leave non-perishable donations at the church office from Monday - Thursday. You can also leave donations in the bin in the sanctuary lobby or in the Connection Center on Sundays.
We do not currently need donations of clothes or hangers.