We are so glad you are here to find out more about us and hope you will join us Sundays for worship or during the week for events and classes. All are welcome at St. Paul. We invite you to come as you are and discover the life-changing Love of God.
- Passionate worship
- Biblical teaching
- A warm welcome
- Ministries for all age levels
- Commitment to community and outreach
When is Sunday morning worship?
We have two Sunday worship times. You can worship with us online or in person at both worship times.
9 AM
Hymn music led by our worship leader and pianist. Traditional liturgy.
11 AM
Music led by praise band. Contemporary video and media.
To join us for worship you can click the button below. Don't forget to say hi in the chat!
The stream will begin about five minutes before worship at 9 and 11 AM. When you are on the livestream page, click the Play triangle to begin streaming.
You can also worship with us on Facebook Live or on YouTube.
Having trouble watching our worship online? Click here for a few things you can try to get it working.
How do I get to St. Paul UMC?
Largo Location - 1498 Rosery Rd in Largo
Our main campus is located on the northwest corner of Rosery and Highland. This is where we worship, and hold classes and activities. Children and student ministries also meet here and this is the location of our gym. Our church office entrance is on the Rosery side of the building.
Clearwater Location - 2039 Druid Rd in Clearwater
Our Clearwater campus is a satellite location and the home for our Open Arms Ministry. Food distribution and other outreach takes place here. The worship center is also used for studies, social gatherings, special worship and other ministries. Young Adults meet here on first Sundays. Evensong Worship and Dinner Church are both held here.
Where do we park FOR WORSHIP?
There are entrances to worship on both the Highland and Rosery sides of the building at 9 AM. At 11 AM the Rosery side of the building is locked, so please park in the North Parking Lot and enter on the Highland side. Our Highland entrance is a drive thru drop-off location for those who have difficulty with mobility. If you’re able to walk easily, we ask that you love your neighbor by parking in the spaces farther from the building to allow our friends who have trouble walking to park closest to the building.
What should I wear?
God doesn't have a dress code, and neither do we. You are welcome to wear what makes you comfortable.
Is nursery available?
Children's Ministry is available for infants through fifth grade at both worship times.
Is someone going to call on me in worship?
No. We want you to relax and hear the word of God without being singled out. If you would like more information, we encourage you to visit the Connection Center or ask a greeter or usher for assistance. We also encourage you to sign in on our Connect Card, so that we can answer any questions you may have, pray for you and provide requested information.
Can I take Communion if I am not a Methodist or a member of a church?
Everyone can participate in Holy Communion. The United Methodist Church believes that communion is God's holy meal. The bread and juice are symbols of God's love for us. We celebrate communion during all worship times on the first Sunday of every month. If you are worshiping online we invite you to prepare bread and juice before worship on the first Sunday so you can take communion with us from your home.
How can I give to the church?
You can give or tithe by dropping your gift in the black boxes during either worship, or you can give online securely any time. You may also wish to set up automatic transfers from your account. This can be done online or through your bank.
The United Methodist Church is a global church that opens hearts, opens minds and opens doors through active engagement with our world. We at St. Paul are members of the Florida Conference of the United Methodist Church, which traces it roots back to the ministry of 18th century reformer and theologian John Wesley. John Wesley and the early Methodists placed primary emphasis on Christian living, on putting faith and love into action.
We invite you to join us and discover for yourself the life-changing power of the Love of God. All are welcome at St. Paul.
Baptism is a sacrament. During baptism, God uses water as a vehicle of divine grace. It is the act of God through the grace of Jesus Christ and the work of the Holy Spirit. We baptize infants, and those people who have never been baptized, who have made the decision to follow Christ and accepted Him as their Lord and Savior.
For more information or to schedule a baptism, contact the church office via email or call 727-584-8165.
Being a member at St. Paul means that you are becoming a part of our spiritual family. It's more than just believing, it is also belonging. If you are interested in learning more or becoming a member, contact the church office via email or call 727-584-8165. You can also attend our Next Steps gathering to find out more about membership at St. Paul.
Take the Next Step
If you are ready to take the next step in your faith journey by becoming a Christian, being baptized, or becoming a member at St. Paul we invite you to Next Steps. Here you can learn about our core beliefs, ask questions about faith or St. Paul, and get connected to our community. Check here for the next gathering time.
Let Us Know You're Here
Let us know you are here Sunday mornings by filling out the online Connect Card.