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Proposed Separation of the United Methodist Church

01.07.20 | News

    You may have seen stories in the news about a proposed split in the United Methodist Church over the issues of inclusivity and sexuality. The proposal will be brought forward for a vote at the General Conference in May 2020. At this point it is only a proposal, and we do not know if it will be adopted as is, with changes, or not at all. Those decisions are in the hands of the delegates, who we pray will be led by God to do his will. You can read the entire proposal by clicking here. Or see a summary provided by Bishop Carter below:

    The key features of the mediation protocol and proposed legislation are:
    • The ongoing existence of The United Methodist Church
    • A gracious way of departure for a traditionalist conservative Methodist Church, with a financial settlement.
    • The creation of four regional conferences—Africa, U.S., Europe, Philippines—each with its own ability to adapt the Book of Discipline.
    • The removal of restrictive language related to LGBTQ identity and practice in the U.S. post-separation United Methodist Church immediately following the May General Conference.
    • Holding in abeyance any administrative or judicial processes regarding restrictions in the Book of Discipline related to LGBTQ persons, as of January 1, 2020.
    • Creation of a fund to strengthen the Black Church and ministries with and among marginalized persons.
    • No annual conference or local church is required to vote on departure from the United Methodist Church.
    • No one is asked to leave or separate from the church.
    • Annual Conferences and local churches may vote to depart from The United Methodist Church with their property in order to participate in another Methodist expression.
    • Wespath will offer a continuity of service across the various Methodist expressions.

    Please note: If the proposal is accepted, each Annual Conference will have over a year to vote on their affiliation and local churches will have until 2024 to decide their affiliation.

    Again, no decisions about this proposal will be made until the General Conference in May. In the meantime we invite you to pray that God's will be done. At St. Paul UMC we will continue to do God's work as a local church, to learn and grow in our faith, to reach out to the community and those in need, and to welcome all people. We remain committed to ensuring St. Paul UMC is a church of acceptance, grace, love and peace for all God’s people.