


Fear swallows up our joy and negates any possibility of our finding heartfelt happiness. How can we overcome the fears that impact our lives, and stand fearless in the presence of God?

Living Hope

Living Hope

Find yourself reacting to everyday life like it’s a crisis? Are you feeling hopeless? Doubting your faith? It’s time to get the answers that will show you what Living Hope is.

Why We Pray

Why We Pray

Prayer is likely the most misunderstood practice of modern-day Christianity. Each time a tragedy strikes – a world-wide pandemic, a senseless shooting, a destructive hurricane – followers of Jesus are quick to respond with prayers. Yet if we’re honest, deep inside lingers a pervading skepticism: why pray?  Follow along as we discover insights from the early believers on why we pray.

Let's Talk

Let's Talk

Is it possible to have the hard conversations without hard feelings? Listen well. Ask anything. Freely disagree. Love regardless. Let's Talk.

The Garden of Good and Evil

The Garden of Good and Evil

Evil is a pandemic. Why are we infected? Most of us don't believe ourselves to be evil people, but evil is a disease that has infected us all. Is there a cure? We begin in the Garden and there, truth is revealed.

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